"Technical facilities aren't the same but we're moving ahead rapidly and it's just a matter of time before we'll be at par with India," said Shafqat Amanat Ali at the music launch of Mehreen Jabbar's Ramchand Pakistani in Karachi. Shafqat has lent his vocals to the background score of the film and a video film of one of his songs - Phir Wohi Raastey - was played to the delight of the audience. Shafqat's vocals, combined with Anwer Maqsood's thoughtful lyrics and the extremely poignant music composed by India's Debyagoti Mishra (music director for Raincoat and Choker Bali), were indeed haunting enough to send a shiver down the spine.
"I felt the same way when I heard it first," Shafqat shared with Instep Today exclusively. "When I told my friends in India that we were working on a film called Ramchand Pakistani, they just couldn't believe that a Pakistani film could be this sensitive."
We guess they will be proved wrong as this film will be a cut above the flicks being churned out of commercial cinema. Back to the music score, it also includes the strong vocals of Shubha Mugdal, who unarguably adds to the depth and quality of the soundtrack.
Shafqat added that Pakistani music's strength was its pop music industry but that would change once films started gaining ground.
"Our pop music has flourished in the absence of films," he said. "And that's a good thing because it has continuously generated exceptional talent. But that will change once films take off because movie music reaches out to another level of listeners. The market is huge, in comparison with pop music."Source : http://thenews.jang.com.pk/instep_today.asp
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